

I'm thinking about pockets a lot these days. If you read my blogs you know why. Something else related to pockets: I am invited to take part in Engage 2012 in March in Bucharest, a project about dialogue. On the one hand it will be a dialogue between me and the city of Bucharest, on the other hand it will be a dialogue between me and the other participants. I have never been to Bucharest and I know very little about it. One of the first things I read about Bucharest when I started researching the city is that there are a lot of pickpockets and you have to be very careful with your valuables. I immediately thought about carrying things with me with a valuable immaterial content but having no intrinsic value whatsoever. Wallets with small drawings or poems for example. Or a message, asking the pickpocket to send me a letter with his bank-details or an address I can send some money to in return for him contacting me.