
2 weeks & retirement in weimar

Three of my former plans have connected.

In the first one I was going to perform a day in a week, meaning I will treat the week as a day. It will be a 168 hour long day in which I will have a 3,5 hour (7 x 30 min.) breakfast, I will brush my teeth twice for 35 minutes (7 x 5 min.), I will sleep for 42 hours (7 x 6) and do a 7 hour or two 3,5 hour naps inbetween. I my evening I will drink 14 glasses of wine and during the long day I will go for a 14 hour walk, read for 14 hours, write for 21 and play around for another 14. That is my first week.

In my second week I will work on workdays only. Monday till Friday 8 to 5. I will have two coffee breaks and one lunch break every day, 10.15 - 10.30, 12.30 - 13.00, 15.00 - 15.15. For the rest day of the day I will walk in circles on Theaterplatz. Round and round. Round and round. Round and round.

After that I will retire and grow cucumbers. Like my reckless grandfather did. I'm going to take W.G. Sebald's advice, who once (and at other times in other words) said in an interview when he was asked if he could imagine to stop doing the things he did in everyday life like writing books:

"I could just as well work in a greenhouse, growing cucumbers. It has this advantage: If you produce a decent cucumber there's no discussion about it."

or in his original words:

"Ich kann genausogut im Treibhaus arbeiten, Gürken züchten. Das hat den Vorteil: Wenn Sie eine anständige Gurke haben, nicht?, dann gibt's da keine Diskussion drüber." *

I already found a nice location for my cucumbers. Goethe's garden in Weimar. I'm sure he wouldn't object. But would the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, the organisation in charge of Goethe's garden and his garden house? 

* (W.G. Sebald. Auf ungeheuer dünnem Eis. Gespräche 1971 bis 2001. p. 103, from an interview with Ralph Schoch)