
Walking (inspiration)

These are my personal sources so far.
If you are looking for a more extensive bibliography, check out walkart.wordpress.be

Books/articles about/involving walking (theory)

* Bachelard, Gaston. The Poetics of Space
Beacon Press 1994
* Benjamin, Walter. The Arcades Project. Belknap Press 2002
* Careri, Francesco & Gili, Gustavo. Walkscapes: Walking as an Aesthetic Practice. 2001
* Fischer, Ralp. Walking artists. Über die Entdeckung des Gehens in de performativen Künsten. Transcript Verlag Bielefeld 2011.
* Kaprow, Allan. Essays on the Blurring of Art and Life
University of California Press 1996
* Klein, Erdmute ed. Walking. In de voetsporen van. Byblos Amsterdam 2001.
* Nicholson, Geoff. The Lost Art of Walking: The History, Science, and Literature of Pedestrianism. Riverhead Trade 2009
* Solnit, Rebecca. Wanderlust. A history of walking. Verso 2002.

Walking writers

Auster, Paul. The New York Trilogy: City of glass. Penguin USA 1990
Büscher, Wolfgang. Berlin-Moskau. Eine Reise zu Fuss. Rowohlt Hamburg 2005
Büscher, Wolfgang. Deutschland, eine Reise. Rowohlt Berlin 2005
Chatwin, Bruce. Songlines
Cole, Teju. Open city. 2012 Croydon
Herzog, Werner. Vom Gehen im Eis. 2009 Frankfurt am Main
Sebald, W.G. The rings of saturn. Vintage 2002.

Walking artists/collectives & artists interested in/working with "walking"

Alÿs, Francis
Beckett, Samuel
Benjamin, Walter
Brouwn, Stanley
Brown, Tricia
Calle, Sophie
Cardiff, Janet
Debord, Guy and the Situationist International
Fulton, Hamish
Gerling, Volker
Lone Twins
Long, Richard
Nauman, Bruce
Piller, Peter
Schoemakers, Jacqueline (artistic researcher: http://jacqueline-schoemaker.nl/)
The ministry of walking (www.ministryofwalking.ca)
Ulay & Abramovic
